Fact Type Readings in Object-Role Modeling
Object-Role Modeling (ORM) is a type of Fact-Based Modeling.
Fact-Based Modeling (FBM) has been in existence in one form or another for more than 30 years. Fact-Base Modeling is a type of conceptual modelling with a basis on identifying and declaring facts and their Fact Types.
A fact may take the form of “Person ‘123’ has Name ‘Peter’” where 123 is a unique identifier of that person in our model.
A Fact Type Reading for the fact above would be “Person has Name”. Conversely, “Name is of Person” may be the inverse reading for the same Fact Type.
A Fact Type is a definition of a relationship with logic holes, or placeholders, for the objects of Object-Role Modeling, Entity Types, Value Types and Fact Types themselves when objectified.
Being a graphical language ORM represents the logic holes of a Fact Type as boxes. The Fact Type we just analysed may be drawn as follows:

The “has / is of” allows you to read the Fact Type Readings for the Fact Type as “Person has Name” and “Name is of Person”.
Creating Fact Type Readings
To see how to create Fact Type Readings in the conceptual modelling software, please see the following videos:
The following video provides another example of how to create Fact Type Readings in software.
Fact Types
To create Fact Types in Object-Role Modeling software:
If you enjoyed this content, learn more about Object-Role Modeling with my book, “Mastering Object-Role Modeling”

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