Object-Role Modeling & Ambiguity — Join Subset Constraints

A suitable counterexample to the notion that the graphical notation of Object-Role Modeling is unambiguous

Victor Morgante
8 min readMar 16, 2023

We take a model for a UoD (Universe of Discourse) where we model the data requirements to store information about Round the World Tickets for an Airline. The scenario is where a person outlines the cities and countries that they would like to visit, and where the data model captures that information and the suitable set of tickets with one or more airlines such that there is a record of the Round the World Ticket that encapsulates that set of tickets.

It is easier to picture the data model as a Graph Schema before we move to the Obect-Role Model, as below:

Object-Role Model for a “Round the World Ticket” Universe of Discourse

The Object-Role Model, with associated constraints, is quite complex; and we include 4 suitable Join Subset Constraints.

Object-Role Model for a “Round the World Ticket” Universe of Discourse

The topmost Join Subset Constraint, while syntactically valid is ambiguous in two ways:

1. It seems to lack one of the required 2 links indicating the first argument and second arguments of the first sequence of the topmost Join…

