The Rise of Cognitive Architectures

Toward General Purpose AI

Victor Morgante
7 min readJan 26, 2024
Image licensed to Victor Morgante, DALL-E 3

In 2017 when I put a put a chatbot into the Boston conceptual modelling software a few of my contemporaries looked at me askew, as if it was a rather left-field idea. My first next two articles on Medium in the same time frame on AI and the Operating System and Fact-Based AI garnered some attention, but with the Fact-Based AI focus on good old-fashioned AI as opposed to machine learning, it certainly was not world leading or changing by any means. What did garner some interest was the use of Object-Role Modeling and natural language constructs in the definition of data models, such that beyond a structural framework, a semantic framework came with the data model, which was the impetus for the chat bot in Boston in the first instance.

Looking at the stats on the couple of articles I wrote on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) (1-2019, 2–2021) there was at that time little to no broad interest in that sphere at all. In fact, when I looked on the Internet for potential collaborators and colleagues in the space who were thinking about artificial general intelligence in 2019 there was the dearth of websites and groups to approach, and what websites there were had conferences that seemed to stop circa 2011 and were poorly maintained, with little or to no interest on a broader scale of AGI.

